
The free universal, impersonal love spirit - God - gives to the hearty, after the heavenly truth searching people in the presence over a herald, who lives humbly in the background and belongs to no religion and also to no spiritual or worldly interest group, for the extension of their soul-human consciousness a new spiritual knowledge, which reaches into different earthly and heavenly areas of life and was unknown to mankind so far for the most part.

Messages in chronological order:


Latest status:


Message "serious instructions from an extraterrestrial" is now included in 2013
tiny animals - our pests

Calls of admonition and help from God
Experiences of the water in the riverbed
harmful earth rays through subterranean water crossings
unspeakable suffering of the animal world
Body movement in dance
exaggerated, health-conscious life
Addressing the body's cells in case of indisposition

mine and yours - the binding way of life of the fallen beings
exaggerated behaviour when eating
Viewing a waterfall from the perspective of the heavenly beings
addiction to tobacco
long and laborious preparations of the heavenly beings for the salvation of creation and their agonising incarnations
devastating effects on body and soul through mortification and compulsion for religious motives
Addressing the body's cells during severe illness
Addressing the body's cells before surgery
false ideas about the inner path to God
Insight into the invisible and intangible cosmic events
Origin of skin allergies

earthbound beyond of the worldly souls and their invisible influence on human life
Divine instruction to become aware of and control one's own thoughts
How to understand divine gentleness
Self-regret and depressive mood
Tragic fate of the tsunami victims
Recognising, analysing and remedying one's own pretences
Assumptions as helpful uncomfortable feelings to see through ambiguous people
Living in this world of deception
God's offer to increase life energy
Slaves and driven of the world of work
Part 1 - Fear of harmful substances in food
Part 2 - Fear of harmful substances in food
What does the freedom and independence of cosmic beings mean?
dramatic energy state of the earth with devastating consequences for all life
close relationships of the subtle primordial atoms to the altered, densified atoms of the material universe
rightly understood modesty in order to live close to the divine justice of the heavenly beings
Intake of more energy-rich food in connection with the fire element

difficult liberation from the worldly and lecturing principles of life as well as musical compositions without heavenly sound
dismissal of a godly soul from the human body into the hereafter
comforting and helpful words from the universal spirit of love for self-recognition for elderly and lonely people
How to grasp more farsightedly God's understanding of our transgressions of the law and their forgiveness
Where your collected treasures are, there you are drawn again and again
Self-knowledge in speech sound, kinesiology and self-willed healing by medical laymen
important instructions from the Spirit of God for translators of the I Am love droplets into other languages
closed heart
possible way out of one's own coolness of heart to live again in the warmth of the heart of heavenly dual beings
Golden mean in eating behaviour
Can the inner humanity still avert the apocalyptic events on earth and the premature end of the world predicted by the earlier seers?
Destruction of nature by energy-less tiny animals
Self-honesty exposes the lie
relentless spiritual discharge of the law offences in the human body
Intolerance of god-connected, sensitive people to certain foods and spices - Faithfulness, the prerequisite for a happy partnership
concerned nature beings report about their difficult life situation and their tasks in our gardens
feigned fidelity in marriage and partnership - double life of the heart-cold hypocrites
Where have your hearty and noble heavenly being qualities from divine ingenuity gone?
High loss of life energy through regular encounters with worldly, opinionated people
Becoming aware of human life
Honesty, faithfulness and sense of honour - the most important noble qualities for a harmonious and happy partnership
Addressing the body's cells in case of joint pain
Part 1 - Emergence of religions and faith communities and the resulting fanatical belief in God, with endless suffering for human beings and otherworldly souls
Part 2 - Emergence of religions and faith communities and the resulting fanatical belief in God, with endless suffering for human beings and otherworldly souls
Why some god-connected people cannot bear to be spoken to seriously

The path to spiritualisation and heavenly freedom
Self-responsibility for one's own life - the element of fire and the cremation of the body
Part 1 - Reasons for allegedly incurable diseases and their chances of cure from a divine point of view - as well as the creation of adjacent and interlocking worlds of completely different ways of life
Part 2 - Reasons for allegedly incurable diseases and their chances of cure from a divine point of view - as well as the creation of adjacent and interlocking worlds of completely different ways of life
Part 3 - Reasons for allegedly incurable diseases and their chances of cure from a divine point of view - as well as the creation of adjacent and interlocking worlds of completely different ways of life
Addressing the body's cells to activate their functions
Part 1 - Grace - remission of punishment by the ruling people - erroneously associated by believers with the benevolence of the deity
Part 2 - Grace - remission of punishment by the ruling people - erroneously associated by believers with the benevolence of the deity
Our good deeds - are they really what we think they are?
Why heavenly dual beings sometimes separate and form new bonds
God's hope-giving advice after a serious illness has been diagnosed and clues to the behaviour of the body's cells that is still unknown to us
Increase of devastating storms, floods, heat and drought phases on earth - harbingers of a slow but inexorable end of earthly lifetime
Part 1 - unbearable phases in the life of the true heralds of God
Part 2 - unbearable phases in the life of the true heralds of God
Reasons for the creation of the solid matter universe and for the creation of the imperfect human being
Love from the heart - how can the inner people understand and live it better?
Heartfelt message from an apple about the experiences on its mother tree
picture, colour and sound language of the heavenly beings in contrast to human communication
important prayer recommendation from the spirit of God for spiritually mature people
Marriages and partnerships from the perspective of the heavenly laws of life
using a pendulum - a supposedly helpful activity with unexpected dangers

Christian Christmas and the symbol of the cross - are they really the divine will and of great importance for those returning to the kingdom of heaven?
Part 1 - vegetarian way of life - from the point of view of the heavenly principle of life and other topics
Part 2 - vegetarian way of life - from the point of view of the heavenly principle of life and other topics
Part 3 - vegetarian way of life - from the point of view of the heavenly principle of life and other topics
Part 4 - vegetarian way of life - from the point of view of the heavenly principle of life and other topics
Part 1 - harmonious, peace-loving and balanced inner way of life - a worthwhile goal
Part 2 - harmonious, peace-loving and balanced inner way of life - a worthwhile goal
human perfectionism from a heavenly point of view
right handling of means of payment and gifts as well as the elements
Part 1 - Energy generation through nuclear fission and the operation of nuclear power plants from a heavenly perspective
Part 2 - Energy generation through nuclear fission and the operation of nuclear power plants from a heavenly perspective
Electing a politician - from the perspective of the spirit of God
profound self-knowledge of faults and weaknesses - the most important task of the day for heavenly returnees
Part 1 - Evolutionary life of heavenly beings and their heart connection to the impersonal I Am Deity
Part 2 - Evolutionary life of heavenly beings and their heart connection to the impersonal I Am Deity
Part 3 - Evolutionary life of heavenly beings and their heart connection to the impersonal I Am Deity
Part 1 - calamitous life of deeply fallen beings in a person-enhancing way
Part 2 - calamitous life of deeply fallen beings in a person-enhancing way
Which kind of joy do you value more - that of noisy people or that which comes up in outer silence from within your eternal soul?
Part 1 - long erroneous paths of believing people and otherworldly souls through religious teachings, creeds and customs
Part 2 - long erroneous paths of believing people and otherworldly souls through religious teachings, creeds and customs
Part 3 - long erroneous paths of believing people and otherworldly souls through religious teachings, creeds and customs
devastating financial and economic situation - how should the heavenly returnees behave in this worrying time

Part 1 - Can an illness or distressing event be traced back to causes set earlier?
Part 2 - Can an illness or distressing event be traced back to causes set earlier?
Divine instructions for the inner way back into a sensitive blissful life of our light home
Part 1 - unknown knowledge about heavenly and extraterrestrial beings as well as flattery - and what lies behind it
Part 2 - unknown knowledge about heavenly and extraterrestrial beings as well as flattery - and what lies behind it
Part 3 - unknown knowledge about heavenly and extraterrestrial beings as well as flattery - and what lies behind it
Answer of the Spirit of God to readers who were concerned about the love droplets
Part 1 - What the person in the dying phase and after death the soul in the hereafter experience
Part 2 - What the person in the dying phase and after death the soul in the hereafter experience

the meaning of the I Am from a heavenly perspective
Part 3 - What the person in the dying phase and after death the soul in the hereafter experience
Part 4 - What the person in the dying phase and after death the soul in the hereafter experience
Part 5 - What the person in the dying phase and after death the soul in the hereafter experience
Part 1 - Difference between the impersonal life of heavenly beings and the person-related life of humans
Part 2 - Difference between the impersonal life of heavenly beings and the person-related life of humans
Part 3 - Difference between the impersonal life of heavenly beings and the person-related life of humans
wrong view and use of positive thinking with calamitous consequences

Part 1 - Addictions - their causes and how to overcome them from the heavenly point of view - and other topics
Part 2 - Addictions - their causes and how to overcome them from the heavenly point of view - and other topics
Explanation of the universal spirit of love regarding reader questions
Did Jesus die on the cross?
Are heralds obliged to receive divine messages at any time?
Part 1 - Emergence of ritual cult acts and the dangers they pose for people and souls from a heavenly perspective
Part 2 - Emergence of ritual cult acts and the dangers they pose for people and souls from a heavenly perspective
What are the I Am Love Droplets of God? - Source of the divine messages
Addressing the eye cells in mild and severe diseases
Why impatient and restless god-connected people fail to establish an inner relationship with the subtle heavenly life of their soul
Flattery - an unattractive deceptive trait
Music of heavenly beings compared to worldly compositions

Use of the term law or regularity in the messages
Part 1 - subtle mineral particles - first elements of life for the creation of the universe
Part 2 - subtle mineral particles - first elements of life for the creation of the universe
Why do the divine love droplet messages change in their message and expression from time to time?
Incentive to live a heavenly humble life
Creation of the most ingenious, cordial, impersonal being - God - by heavenly beings of light
Understanding messages only in their meaning
Sense and purpose of divine messages through heralds
Healing therapy with serpent poison serum from the heavenly point of view
spiritual ignorance of mankind with tragic consequences
mental implants - their meaning and insidious functions
Christ speaks about his birth and about the just equality of all cosmic beings
Football - a combative game - illuminated from the heavenly point of view
Part 1 - The lived humility - the spiritual key to the heavenly return and for a blissful life in fair equality
Part 2 - The lived humility - the spiritual key to the heavenly return and for a blissful life in fair equality
Loving harvesting and preparation of the gifts of nature
Part 1 - Why extraterrestrial beings perform cosmically significant actions in our solar system with their spaceships
Part 2 - Why extraterrestrial beings perform cosmically significant actions in our solar system with their spaceships

Sweet foods and their undesirable side effects
loud, energetic speech - a domineering behaviour that does not tolerate backtalk
Part 1 - great stir about alleged representatives of God in this world - a world of deceptions
Part 2 - great stir about alleged representatives of God in this world - a world of deceptions
serious instructions from an extraterrestrial
strong withdrawal of life energy by energy-poor people and souls
Jesus Christ's life of wandering and flight
fanatical urge for freedom and justice with serious consequences
Part 1 - cosmic wisdoms and hints for spiritual reorientation
Part 2 - cosmic wisdoms and hints for spiritual reorientation
Part 1 - inner self - energy and data storage of our inner light body (soul) as well as extensive measures for creation salvation

Part 2 - inner self - energy and data storage of our inner light body (soul) as well as extensive measures for creation salvation
Possibility of healing by activation of degenerated cells
false image of God through misguided heralds
Why malignant diseases are also curable
Why there will be no paradisiacal life on earth
Haughtiness and pride block the heavenly return
short introduction for the new readers of the love droplets
Heart prayer of a spiritually higher kind
false image of man with unexpected tragic consequences
Part 1 - Why the incarnated soul already shapes the character of the child
Part 2 - Why the incarnated soul already shapes the character of the child
The end of life outside the heaven begins now
Heart call of the universal love spirit to all beings outside of heaven

Perfectionism from the perspective of the God-Spirit and a philosopher
optimistic forecast for the day with a pleasing effect
energetic connectedness of the incarnated beings of the plan of salvation with their heavenly planetary siblings
Kingdom of peace vision - the great error of God-believing people and otherworldly souls
Part 1 - unknown knowledge about the earthly and heavenly life of Jesus Christ
difficult coexistence with dominant, opinionated and argumentative people
unimagined dangers from intrusive souls for curious people with psychic abilities
Part 2 - unknown knowledge about the earthly and heavenly life of Jesus Christ
Where do some mediumistic people today obtain transmissions about nearby worrisome world events?
heartfelt wishes from the heavenly beings to all heavenly homecomers for the coming time on earth

Message from an extraterrestrial being to humanity
Dual life of heavenly beings in the same state of consciousness and constant heart harmony
Part 1 - Significance of the primordial particles - positive and negative - for the genesis of creation and the heavenly dual life
Part 2 - Significance of the primordial particles - positive and negative - for the genesis of creation and the heavenly dual life
Reasons for the massive stream of refugees - a tragedy from the heavenly-divine point of view
Part 3 - unknown knowledge about the earthly and heavenly life of Jesus Christ
Why a firm faith in God and prayers from the heart alone are not enough to bring man and his soul closer to the Kingdom of Heaven
Why it is so important to ask, give thanks and receive the thanks of others from the heart
Realisations of a pure being of light from his earthly lives, for self-exploration for the heavenly returnees
Part 1 - Lovesickness of the Heart People
Part 2 - Lovesickness of the Heart People

inexhaustible and unlimited selfless, self-giving divine love - how it can be better understood

Overcoming indifferent life and spiritual disinterest
Flip of the poles - causes and forewarning of the spirit of God
Call by the spirit of love - do not waste life energies

Wake-up call by the God-Spirit to all incarnated beings
Part 1 - The fortune-tellers' readings of the future a risky and perilous undertaking
Part 2 - The fortune-tellers' readings of the future a risky and perilous undertaking
Activities of the Cosmic Rescue Alliance in Material Solar Systems
Part 1 - How the colonisation with plants and living beings came about on Earth
Part 2 - How the colonisation with plants and living beings came about on Earth
The meaning of selflessness from a heavenly point of view
Programming the material cell nuclei to receive bipolar divine energies
Failed adventure of the deepest fallen beings with suffering not to be surpassed nears its end
What possibilities the God-Spirit has to foresee and avert cosmic and planetary dangerous situations
Part 1 - Message from a rose bush
Part 2 - Message from a rose bush
Part 3 - Message from a rose bush
Heartfelt wishes for the year 2020

Heavenly humility - what apostate deeply fallen beings made of it
Response of the love spirit to message translations and heavenly rules of life
Introduction by the love spirit to heavenly pastel colours and creation of love droplet websites
Overcoming fear of persecution
Addressing the body's cells in case of flu-like infections and for protection against virus invaders
Recommendations of the love spirit for earthly times of disaster and emergency
great joy in the heavenly worlds about a significant earthly event
Insight into the imperfect life of the heralds and so-called prophets of God
Effects of electromagnetic frequencies of healing devices on body cells and soul from a heavenly-divine point of view
Part 1 - Why mental and technical progress should not be rejected
Part 2 - Why mental and technical progress should not be rejected
Work of our Primordial Creation Mother in the Fall Event and her premature heavenly return
What is the theme collection for?
Introduction to the collection of themes
Why some people are bothered by some message words
Part 4 - unknown knowledge about the earthly and heavenly life of Jesus Christ
Part 5 - unknown knowledge about the earthly and heavenly life of Jesus Christ

Part 6 - unknown knowledge about the earthly and heavenly life of Jesus Christ
Part 7 - unknown knowledge about the earthly and heavenly life of Jesus Christ
Part 8 - unknown knowledge about the earthly and heavenly life of Jesus Christ
encounter with an extraterrestrial
Christ describes his beautiful heavenly return
How it came to the first creations and procreations of beings by the primordial parents in the heavenly pre-creation
Part 1 - inner transformation to a personally inconspicuous and hearty being of heavenly origin
Part 2 - inner transformation to a personally inconspicuous and hearty being of heavenly origin
Part 3 - inner transformation to a personally inconspicuous and hearty being of heavenly origin

Karma or sowing and reaping law re-examined from a celestial perspective
New cellular approach for more intensive virus defence
Instruction from the Spirit of God for prayer healings and hints for better physical vitality
Be pillars of light of heaven in the worldly end-time scenario


Readers of the Love Drop can also view the heavenly and divine messages in the form of sound videos on YouTube, created by people with spiritually mature hearts who voluntarily - without knowing the messenger - perform this task. They felt in their souls that it would be important, in the last phase of earthly life, to also offer the precious droplets of spiritual knowledge from the divine source of wisdom to spiritual seekers all over the world, so that they can still get out of the labyrinth of this world of illusions in time with the new spiritual and divine knowledge and set out on the inner path towards their home of light.

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Here are the links of the sounders to their sounded love drop messages in German and also translated into other languages on YouTube.

- New messages follow -