Sense and purpose of divine messages through heralds

Greetings, you who are searching for the divine truth!

A heavenly messenger of light reveals himself to you, who has received the knowledge in our picture language from the divine source and passes it on to you through the soul-human consciousness of the announcer according to the meaning. The universal spirit of love would like to explain to you briefly the meaning and purpose of heavenly messages through a herald.

They are offers from him for spiritually searching, truth-loving God-connected people. So that each of you can better bear and cope with the aggravation of daily earthly life, the spirit of love offers you heartfelt people far-reaching thinking aids and uplifting supports. Truly, the life in this dark fall world will be more and more difficult to bear, because the God-connected people will be exposed to constantly greater contrasts from the outside. This means that more and more unpredictable massive problems will come upon them, such as contagious and incurable diseases, and through devastating catastrophes they will have to endure difficult, almost insurmountable situations and will suffer greatly as a result. But they should know in this very difficult and unbearable earthly time that the heavenly spirit of love exhausts every possible possibility to help them from within and from without.

The life aids of the love spirit are not only focused on this world and human life, but also contain profound spiritual explanations about cosmic life, which is still unknown to most people. The love droplet messages contain important positive and self-protective behaviors that enable people to be more in tune with their inner soul.

The purpose of the divine love droplet messages is also that God-believing people finally feel the inner freedom of their soul to become independent from religious doctrines. The alignment and bondage to it brought so far very much suffering to humans and also to their souls in the hereafter. Whoever wants to approach the divine freedom is heartily asked by the heavenly love spirit - who is also with his creation essence in your soul life core - to finally put his old, misleading religious pictures and ideas of a personal God after thousands of years of earthly time of spiritual ignorance and deceptions on the side forever. Whoever wants to approach the universal impersonal love spirit, God in the I Am, in order to be able to return to the unity and freedom of the heavenly beings, is cordially invited to read the divine love droplets from the heavenly source attentively one after the other, but without haste, and to reflect on them with his soulful heart. Then he will feel from within that the love spirit does not want to direct him to a religious group or newly formed religious community through the given wisdoms. The spiritual goal of every human being should be: To take his eternally free life into his own hands on his own responsibility and not to leave it to any other human being anymore - also not in the religious area.

These messages of the present can be regarded by the spiritual seekers as tiny droplets from the heavenly source of love, the heart of God. They also contain descriptions about behaviors of the heavenly beings from the all-encompassing heavenly rules of life and evolutionary characteristics. A spiritually awakened person and his soul returning to the heavenly light greatly long for the heavenly noble ways of life. Such people, irradiated by the divine light, feel more and more to want to live in harmonious, peaceful, quiet and secluded way of life. These inner people often receive from their soul the impulses to look for new useful life aids and expanded spiritual knowledge, so that they can go with their soul in the same, especially heavenly direction of life.

Through the versatile and profound messages, the spiritually seeking person should be able to sense and feel from within that a cosmic eternal light being (soul) dwells in him, which longs for the light home and from whose energies he lives predominantly. However, in order to be able to return faster to the light home, it would be good for it to receive an extensive spiritual knowledge about its human being. By this she can inquire in the deep sleep of her human being with the love spirit and learn in the large extent many useful details to her spiritual development which help her to recognize and delete unlawful or heavenly distant storages from the earthly life and from otherworldly worlds with divine assistance faster.

The more divine message knowledge the soul absorbs about its human being, which contains excerpts from the rules of life or noble ways of conduct of the heavenly beings, it and its human consciousness come to new realizations rather quickly. Due to this, the spiritual horizon expands in both of them and they are then more and more opened to the cosmic real life. This is a great advantage for the soul, so that it can better classify and see through the human life and it is then able to give its human consciousness again and again new impulses to change its unlawful, unattractive traits or mistakes and weaknesses. If the human being is ready to ennoble his unattractive traits and behaviors, then he stands more in the divine protection and can receive productive divine powers through his high vibrating soul. These are some reasons why it is worthwhile to read profound divine messages about a widely matured herald.

But know in advance: the heavenly love spirit will never say to you that the love droplet messages contain the absolute divine truth. What spiritual quality, purity, fullness of laws and their profundity as well as cosmic foresight a message has always depends on the soul-human consciousness level, transillumination intensity of soul particles, inner soul divine energy absorption and release to human cells as well as on the way of life of a messenger who can be less or quite close to the celestial laws of life. You can assume that no divine message, which could ever be received on earth by a herald, contains only true basic knowledge from the evolutionary life rules of celestial beings and from the cosmic particle laws. This cannot be transmitted by the heavenly love-spirit through the narrowed human and burdened psychic consciousness. The human consciousness is able to receive, to process and to grasp approximately only tiny parts of knowledge from the seven-dimensional heavenly life, so that the spiritually oriented man can include it in his life. But already a tiny understood and lived excerpt from the life characteristics of heavenly beings brings a soul willing to return faster forward on the way back into the heavenly being. From this point of view the divine messages should be considered or this is the meaning of every heavenly love drop.

In addition to the descriptions about the divine laws, the love spirit also offers you some very important health instructions and behavioral patterns that help a person to have more life energies. Truly, the divine wisdoms from the heavenly source can point an inner man and his soul, which is spiritually very active at night, straight into the heavenly light, if both of them pull spiritually together and strive, through their heartfelt relationship with the inner love spirit, to always approach a further refinement of being.

The reading of the love droplet messages is recommended by the God spirit to spiritually seeking people because they contain spiritual pearls which can greatly enrich a soul returning home. The spiritual content of the messages can open many doors to life benefits for heart-opened readers who are willing to return, which they could not guess and see before due to their ignorance and spiritual limitation. Which advantages they can still bring to spiritual seekers, you will learn from him little by little in the many love drop messages.

If you make some successful steps through your being refinement to your consciousness expansion, then you are in the happy earthly situation to notice consciously and joyfully a positive change of being with you. Then you look at your life from a completely different, above all higher spiritual perspective and consider the resulting life advantages and favors as very valuable. You will be very happy about this one day.

The heavenly love spirit in the I Am wishes you a successful spiritual development, which will enable you to return to your light home quite quickly. He also wishes you that you do not make life difficult for yourselves on the heavenly way back, such as through pride, bossiness and intransigence, spitefulness, lack of freedom, restless and stressed life through unnecessary and too much time planning in activities and in meetings, as well as spiritual inconstancy and lukewarmness, which bring much suffering to a being.

As a heavenly messenger of light, I thank you for your attention.

The universal love spirit and we celestial beings hope that the celestial returnees will now feel more spurred on by the many drops of love to approach their and our noble celestial ways of life with greater devotion. We wish you this from the bottom of our hearts for your benefit in eternal life.